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Into The Darkest Depths…

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Let me be the first to apologize for what you’re about to uncover. I may not have been the one responsible for the wreck, but I have no doubt my team’s excavation mission was the incident which roused the terrors you’re likely to encounter. Though admittedly, I’m not the expert here. If the Agency sent you, I’m willing to bet you’re more than prepared to handle what’s lurking in the wreck of the SS Persistence, otherwise known by its infamous nickname: Davy Jones’ Vengeance.

Your mission is to seal the Hell Portal located in the Captain’s Quarters of the SS Persistence.

Take a look at your map to get a grasp on the location of the wreckage. You will notice some new equipment in your inventory to facilitate your voyage: Diving Gear, a Magnetometer, and the new ROV device.

To navigate the ROV, you will need to equip it to a weapon slot. Once activated, this tool will allow you to capture infrared images of the threats in the rooms ahead. Beware — the ROV will be destroyed if it takes enough damage. It would be best to use the ROV to determine the safest path to the center of the structure. Bear in mind that any room your physical body enters will cause your oxygen meter to deplete!

Once you have completed this mission, you will unlock dozens of new underwater areas to explore. The vast seafloor contains a wealth of mysteries waiting to unfold. Stay safe out there and maybe you’ll be the one to bring them to light. 

See you at the docks, kid.

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