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Upgrade Now to Join the Fray!

Urgent Report Incoming: An incredible new sale is launching now! Make a pit stop at your nearest docking station to take advantage of a plethora of great deals for eager newcomers and veteran pilots alike. Whether the star system quakes in terror at your name or your rookie recruits are still orbiting home base, it’s never a bad idea to stock up on these discounted supplies:  

  • Mega Laser Cannons: Each of these awe-inspiring monstrosities deals over 4000 attack damage! You can equip up to twelve of them on any one ship to maximize your destructive capability.

  • Teleporter Tokens: In a hurry? Flip one of these special coins to instantly transport yourself to any battle your allies have joined, or to return to the docking station for repairs. Five Packs and Ten Packs of Teleporter Tokens are a stellar 30% off for a limited time only!

  • Health Packs: In the heat of battle, a quick burst of health can mean the difference between glorious victory and humiliating defeat! Stock up now to get a sweet deal on your crew’s most essential supplies.

  • Bonus Troops: It’s recruiting season and all the graduates are finally ready to be assigned. Each battalion you equip increases your crew by 100 units. During this sale only, purchase five or more Battalions to be awarded an extra 50 enhanced units for free!

Check back tomorrow to catch up on the latest tips and tricks and make the most of your armada! Good luck out there, and don’t forget to visit the docking station regularly for new missions, equipment, and upgrades. Until next time!

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